

ARRIS、新しいビデオアプリケーションの迅速な開発をサポートする、RDK ラボ・アクセラレーターを提供

ARRIS (買収により現在のコムスコープの傘下)は本日、ARRIS、Metrological および RDK Management の共同開発ソリューション、RDK Lab Accelerator の発売を発表しました。The RDK Lab Accelerator is based on the ARRIS® VIP5202W UHD IP set-top and provides the RDK community an efficient application development platform that uses the latest RDK application framework and the pre-integrated Metrological App Store. more



コムスコープは、Arris の買収契約の締結をもって、未来の通信接続とネットワークを形作る体制を整備

CommScope (NASDAQ: COMM), a global leader in infrastructure solutions for communications networks, has completed its acquisition of ARRIS International plc (NASDAQ: ARRS), a global leader in entertainment and communications solutions. more



コムスコープと Google、ESC テストの成功により主要 CBRS マイルストーンを達成

CommScope and Google have received official notification from the Institute for Telecommunication Sciences (ITS) that their shared Environmental Sensing Capability (ESC) system, has passed testing to support Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS). ITS, which is part of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), is the official test lab that has been tasked with confirming the performance of ESCs. more



コムスコープが AFL にファイバーアダプターポートフォリオをライセンス供与

CommScope, a global leader in infrastructure solutions for communications networks, has licensed to AFL Telecommunications its portfolio of patents for duplex LC fiber optic adapters, which are designed to fit within an SC adapter footprint. The portfolio license provides rights to the US patents and foreign counterparts in the CommScope portfolio. more

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ドイツの特許裁判所が、Comlab のリピーターがコムスコープの特許を侵害していると認定

In two decisions, a German patent court has found that Comlab has infringed mobile radio transmission patents owned by Andrew Wireless Systems, an affiliate of CommScope, a global leader in infrastructure solutions for communications networks. more



コムスコープが第 4 四半期および 2018 年度通年結果を報告

CommScope Holding Company, Inc. (NASDAQ: COMM), a global leader in infrastructure solutions for communications networks, reported sales of $1.06 billion and a net loss of $(23) million, or $(0.12) per share, for the quarter ended 2018年12月31日. more

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コムスコープが ARRIS 買収に関連して、経営陣の任命をおこなう

CommScope (NASDAQ: COMM), a global leader in infrastructure solutions for communications networks, today announced two leadership appointments effective following the completion of CommScope’s acquisition of ARRIS International plc (NASDAQ: ARRS). more



INWIT とコムスコープがイタリアの人気のスポットや歴史的な名所のモバイル接続を強化

Millions of locals and international visitors flock to Italy’s historical landmarks and major venues every day, creating unique challenges for network operators in keeping people connected with high reliability. more

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コムスコープ、前向きな予備的第 4 四半期および 2018 年度通年結果を報告

CommScope Holding Company, Inc. (NASDAQ: COMM), a global leader in infrastructure solutions for communications networks, today reported preliminary results for the fourth quarter and full-year ended 2018年12月31日. more

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CommScope Holding Company, Inc. (NASDAQ: COMM), a global leader in infrastructure solutions for communications networks, plans to participate in the following upcoming conferences: 詳細

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